Hey there, ever heard of PainFreeU?

It's basically this awesome movement all about living life to the fullest without any pesky pain holding you back.

So picture this: you wake up feeling great, moving around like a ninja, and tackling your day with ease. That's what being part of PainFreeU is all about!

Now, let's talk about what we do. At PainFreeU, we're all about helping anyone, no matter their age or fitness level, deal with life's challenges like a boss.

With our Premium PainFreeU Membership, you get:
Connected with Experts: Chat with industry pros for personalized advice.
LIVE Q&A: Weekly live sessions for answers and self-healing tips.
Insightful Learning: Understand your pain causes deeply.
Engage in Groups: Collaborate with peers in educational groups.
Step-by-Step Tutorials: Access categorized how-to guides.
Dive into Workshops: Join interactive sessions led by professionals.

But wait, there's more! We're all over social media too. Catch us on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube where we do live broadcasts almost every day. Got questions? We've got answers! Plus, you'll be the first to know about our latest projects if you join our email list.

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Unlock your best life with PainFreeU—where every day is pain-free and full of possibility!
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Who's the PainFreeU gang for, you ask?

Well, basically, anyone and everyone! It doesn't matter if you're a pro athlete or just someone who loves hitting the gym on weekends.

See, PainFreeU is all about looking after yourself, especially as you get older. We're here for those who get that taking care of your body is super important. You know, making sure you recover well, ease any pains, and give yourself some TLC.

We are big on helping not only you also helping your body get rid of waste faster. Cause lets face it, If you want to feel no pain you need to get your hands dirty and do some maintenance on your body yourself.

So we give you the knowledge and tools so you can become pain free.

Thing is, not everyone has a team of trainers like the pros do. So we're here to be your personal cheerleaders, guiding you through every step of the way. Because when it comes to looking after yourself, we've got your back!

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PainFreeU: Elevate your game and live pain-free, no matter your fitness level!
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So, why should you go for PainFreeU?

Rune Åbø is one of the founders of Lymphatic treatment and the PainfreeU society. And his vision and quest in life is to give his knowledge at tools to the people in the world so YOU and people can have less pain in their bodies.

He has tuned his techniques on over 25.000 clients and have the last 2,5 years posted a self-treatment tutorial everyday on his social media channels.

So now over 1,4 million (followers)  people are learning his techniques to become pain free. The magic is simple, your learn waste management drainage techniques so your body get to drain waste faster and better.

With background as personal trainer and muscle therapist and curiosity about how the waste drainage system in the body works, Rune want to share his huge experience with everyone.

Humble (and not so much) bragging

This works! Struggling with a lot of edema and water in the body, stiff body and clogged sinuses. After only 1 treatment of 30 minutes, I notice a big difference. Water is drained from the tissues, muscles and body are less stiff and sinuses open up a little. Recommended to everyone - the science is there, this is not some mystical, alternative treatment. Ordinary doctors put "plates" on your symptoms - lymphatic treatment dissolves the underlying causes.
Martine Elisabeth Langaard
Google Maps
After I got tips to try Rune and Maxliving, I stopped trying everything else. The lymph treatment helps my ailments. Highly recommend.
Berit Karin Hammersland
Google Maps

Alright, let's talk about our mission at PainFreeU.

We're all about one thing: helping you kick pain to the curb and live your best life. And we've got a couple of key principles guiding us along the way:

1. We believe that when you're dealing with pain, stiffness, or tightness, it's like hitting a roadblock on the path to reaching your full potential. Sure, keeping your body in good shape helps you crush it in sports and workouts. But here's the thing: your physical well-being affects way more than just your physical performance. It impacts your mood, your mindset, and how you tackle everyday challenges. So, by becoming a part of PainFreeU, you're not just improving your fitness—you're setting yourself up to be a total rockstar in all aspects of life, whether you're a leader, an employee, a boss, or a budding entrepreneur.

2. We believe that every single person should have the tools to do some basic maintenance on themselves. Yep, that means you! With the right approach, you can actually deal with a lot of those annoying aches and pains all on your own, even if they've been bugging you for ages. We're all about empowering you to take control of your own well-being and feel awesome from the inside out.

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Join PainFreeU to kick pain to the curb and unleash your full potential in sports, work, and life!
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